Calling the Couple

We'd love to hear from you before the wedding! If you have questions or would just like to say hello, we can be reached at

Liesl: lieslmatthies at, or (206) 931-2287
Jeremy: jelson at, or (425) 703-0239

If the U.S. Postal Service tickles your fancy, we can be reached at our new home:

Liesl Matthies and Jeremy Elson
1420 Terry Avenue, Apt. 2403
Seattle, Washington 98101

Registry Information

Due to overwhelming popular demand, we have decided to register! Or we've started, at least. Bits and pieces on this website or that, so browse around until you find something that suits you, if you're feeling so inclined as to purchase us a wedding gift, which is not at all necessary, not even a little bit. We resisted, as we already have the basics needed for survival, and all we really want is for everyone to join us in celebrating the best day ever: the 39th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. Oh yes, and our wedding!! So use or don't use the registry as you please, but DO bring your bad self to Seattle for the coolest wedding you've ever been to! We will be adding items when time permits, so please feel free to procrastinate for maximum shopping variety (unlike all other registries in which the couple is organized and registers long before the last possible minute). first and second registries (books, games, sharp new knives)
Pottery Barn (furniture needs, lighting)
Macy's (dishes, towels, sheets)
Williams Sonoma (kitchen gadgets and cook ware. Yes, we know how to boil water.)
Restoration Hardware (stuff for the home, paint)
